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ASUS Backup APK Download

?ASUS Backup?is the simple and efficient tool for backup-and-restore system/App data!
?Before You Start Using ASUS Backup?
- Please upgrade to latest version before you backup.
- ASUS Backup will NOT backup the data stored in the internal storage. Please copy the data from the internal storage to the Micro SD card manually, such as pictures, videos, music files, recorded files or documents, etc
- ASUS Backup is currently compatible only with ASUS ZenFone devices. You will need an SD card to proceed with the backup process.
[Key features]
- Easily back up or restore the unique ASUS ZenUI apps, including ZenUI Launcher, ZenUI Do it Later, ZenUI Contacts and ZenUI Messaging.
- Save or restore call logs and all your personal settings, including weather location, alarms, browser preferences and more.
- Capture copies of favorite apps and app data, including Angry bird, ZenUI SuperNote and so on.




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